Mythological 9
Portrait 7
Biblical 6
Religious 6
Venus & Cupid 2
Architecture 2
Self-Portrait 2
Greek Mythology 2
Landscape 2
Laocoön and the Trojan Horse 1
John the Baptist in the Wilderness 1
Iconography 1
Repentance 1
Death of Lucretia 1
Erotica 1
Jupiter & Sémélé 1
Immaculate Conception 1
The Tower of Babel 1
Saint George and the Dragon 1
Apocalypse 1
Mannerism 40
Northern Renaissance 5
Spanish Golden Century 4
Renaissance 4
Late Renaissance 3
School of Bologna 2
Baroque 2
Sienese School 2
Dutch and Flemish Renaissance 2
Grotesque 2
Northern Mannerism 2
Venetian School 2
Italian Renaissance 1
High Renaissance 1
School of Ferrara 1
Dutch Golden Age 1
Neoplatonism 1
Romanism 1
Portrait Painting 1
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